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TANAP is fully ready to deliver gas to Europe

The Trans Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP), the major segment of the Southern Gas Corridor is ready to supply Azerbaijani gas directly to Europe from July 1, 2019. After completion of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), the last…

Energy performance, WEF: Albania at the top of the region

The World Economic Forum has analyzed 115 different countries of the world regarding the performance of energy systems but also the readiness to move towards a safer, more sustainable and affordable energy system. Albania is one of the…

Energy consumption in Albania, growth by 7.3%

After Malta and Turkey, Albania is the third country in Europe to increase electricity consumption in 2017. This is said by the European Agency’s most recent official statistics. According to these data, energy consumption in our country…

SHELL is leaving Gjirokastra

Shell Upstream Albania has come to the decision to abandon its plans for oil exploration in a protected area near Gjirokastra, following protests by residents and the opposition of cultural and heritage specialists, according to information…

Mediterranean countries form new natural gas group

Countries around the Eastern Mediterranean took a potentially important step toward realizing their dreams of boosting energy production with the creation Monday of a forum joining Israel, Egypt, Cyprus, and other neighbors to develop their…

A hybrid train in Tirana

The train line will be functional again in Tirana just that now with a hybrid train. Mayor of Tirana Erion Veliaj during a conversation for Budget 2019 with residents in Unit 9 explained how this train will work. “The good news that came…

IAP expected to cost 120 million euros

The Ionian Adriatic Pipeline (IAP) would cost around 120 million euros. This is the conclusion of the Montenegrin Ministry of Economy based on projections from a previous analysis. Connecting Montenegro, Albania, Greece and Italy to…