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Falling Oil Price Hits Albanian Petroleum

Bankers Petroleum announced that it has revised its investment programme for 2015 down to $153 million US (€127 million) due to the continued weakness of the oil price in the international market. Last December, the company projected…

Energy security is a growing concern to Western Balkans

Energy security is a topic of growing concern to many EU countries and the Western Balkans, here defined as Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FYR Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia, could play a role in improving that security through…

TAP hires two senior directors

In preparation for construction and marking the construction phase of the project, Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) has strengthened its project management team, hiring Norman Ingram as Project Director and Martin Mair as Operations…

Joint Albania-Kosovo Power Market Worries Think Tank

Kosovo's GAP Institute think tank has said it strongly backs the integration of the electricity systems of the two countries, "but is against the exploitation of lignite for the sake of cooperation”. The Pristina based think-tank said in…

Azerbaijan to increase cooperation with Albania

Albania and Azerbaijan have signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on the development of general plan for gas supply to the Balkan nation. SOCAR (State Oil Company of Azerbaijan) reports that the memorandum was signed as…

TAP launched pre-qualification for pipes and bends

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) has launched its pre-qualification process for onshore line pipes and bends. The scope for this contract has been divided into six lots which will be delivered to marshalling yards in Kavala and Thessaloniki…

TAP, Tender for Large Diameter Ball Valves

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG’s (TAP) procurement process moves forward as it issues its next Invitations to Tender (ITT) for the supply of large diameter ball valves and actuators. The ITT covers 55 valves at 48” and 36”, class 600 and…

TANAP: From paper into a piece of Steel

In a session dedicated to the Southern Corridor gas project at the Romania Oil & Gas Conference in Bucharest, Romania, Mr. Magsud Mammadov, External Relations Director, TANAP, provided more details on the pipeline project's progress.…

TAP, Invitations to Tender for Compressor Stations

Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) has issued its next Invitations to Tender (ITT) for compressor stations in Greece and Albania. TAP is issuing two separate ITTs – one for Greece and one for Albania. In Greece, the ITT will cover the…