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Gas: Regulators approve the tariff code of the TAP pipeline

The three national regulatory authorities of Albania (ERE), Greece (RAE) and Italy (Aeeg) announced on 08 November that have approved the Tariff Code proposed by the company TAP AG for TAP, the pipeline that will bring Azeri gas to Italy, through Greece and Albania.

The code outlines the methodologies used to determine the terms and conditions of prices to be applied to future shippers who will transport gas through TAP and will be applied equally to both the capacity subject to mandatory third-party access and to capacity exempted from this requirement.

Specifically, the three regulators have considered the tariff methodology proposed by TAP AG is consistent with the criteria of the Final Joint Opinion approved by the three regulatory Authorities in July this year, in terms of transparency, non-discrimination and cost efficiency. The Code foresees a decrease of the level of tariffs in case of future increases of booked transportation capacity. In addition, in accordance with the Final Joint Opinion, the tariff structure takes into account the different risk level between the investment in the initial capacity and the investment in the future expansions.

The decision of the three Authorities is the result of the excellent partnership undertaken since the beginning of the exemption procedure. This model is an example of best practice in Europe and the approval of the Tariff Code represents a new additional step towards the realization of an infrastructure that will increase competition and diversification and security of energy supply in the European natural gas market. The Final Investment Decision is expected later this year., 12.11.2013