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TAP starts work on micro tunnel in Albania

The Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), organized a ceremony on Feb.12 to mark the start of works for the 1.5-kilometer micro-tunnel, which will connect the east and the west segments of the pipeline in Albania, said a message from TAP AG…

TAP concludes 60% of work in Albania and Greece

The construction of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline is proceeding at a rapid pace. TAP announced on Tuesday that it has completed work on welding and joining for around 60% of pipes passing through Albania and Greece. This means that they…

Albpetrol sh.a në panairin e punës

Shoqëria Albpetrol sh.a ka marrë pjesë në panairin “Work & Study” të zhvilluar në datat 3-4-5 Tetor në Tiranë duke pasur një stendë të sajën ku janë ekspozuar mundësitë e punësimit në shoqërinë tonë. Panairi është organizuar nga Dhoma…