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DHP participates at the Energy Market Southeast Europe (SEE) 2013, conference in Prishtina

Devoll Hydropower Sh.A participated in the second edition of the Energy Market Southeast Europe Conference held in Pristina on October 2013. The conference, among others, discussed possibilities of further investment in the energy sector, in the SEE region. The conference held in Prishtina on October 10th and 11th, 2013 presented its main subject discussions regarding possibilities of a common Southeast European Market, complying also with the EU directives for Energy. The conference made available a platform in which, decisions of economy and energy policies could be exchanged directly among participants and observes.

Current challenges, trends and investment opportunities of the future in the energy sector in the SEE, where also topics discussed in the conference. The organizers stated that; – the energy sector is a key factor for the Southeast Europe (SEE) regional economic growth. Numerous natural resource opportunities available in the SEE region provide investment opportunities which shall bring prosperity and simultaneously integration, to the European Union.

Devoll Hydropower was represented in the conference by the Director of Governmental Affairs, Agnar Aas. Mr. Agnar’s presentation covered topics focused on an introduction to Devoll Hydropower project, and Nordic common energy market.

Here you may read the presentation., 29.10.2013