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KEK: 26% of the complaints in favor of the customers

As promised, on 08 March 2013, KEK has completed the review of customer complaints for January 2013bills. In this regard, today, Managing Director of KEK, Mr. Arben Gjukaj, met on 11 March with media representatives to discuss the issue of customer complaints related toJanuarybills. Mr. Gjukaj presented data of customer complaints for all 7 districts.
In this regard, it was notedthat KEK has hired additional staff to process and analyze all customer complaints. Customer Care offices during February were open and continued to work even after hours and weekends to provide services to customers in a timely manner.On this occasion, once again it became clear that according to the regulations of the Energy Regulatory Office, customers have to pay an indisputable part of their bills on time otherwise they will have to face the disconnections.
During February, from over 459.000 customers, 3.804 of them have submitted complaints for January 2013bills. A summary of the statements presented today is as follows:
Total customers                                                  459,669
Total complaints                                                  3,804
Complaints that require calibration of the meter      22
Reviewed complaints                                           3,782   (99%)
Baseless complaints                                           2,785   (73%)
Complaints resolved in favor of customers             980      (26%)
Cases when customers are undercharged             17
Percentage of billing accuracy rate according to the number after January corrections was 99.79 %          
KEK continues to encourage customerswho have questions or concerns about their bills to visit Customer Care Services that can be found in any KEK office throughout Kosovo., 13.03.2013