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Albania Deputy Minister Axed for Not Paying Electricity Bill

Prime Minister Rama said on Twitter on Wednesday that no public official should expect understanding for failure to pay their electricity bills.

“I thank Mrs Bejko for her contribution as a deputy minister; however, no justification will suffice for failing to pay the electricity bill from anyone, even for a penny,” Rama wrote. [“E falenderoj Znj.Bejko per kontributin si zv.ministre por ne mospagesen e energjise s’do pranohet asnje justifikim per askend! As per 1 Lek! — Edi Rama (@ediramaal) December 17, 2014”

According to media reports, Bejko was dismissed for failing to pay the electricity bill of her summer condo in the coastal town of Velipoja.

The tough action comes against a political backdrop. The government recently launched a campaign against electricity theft, and it has told public servants to pay their electricity bills on time if they want to keep their jobs.

Hundreds of electricians working for the national power utility, OShEE, have been fired for failing to pay their bills on time.

More people who have made illegal connections to the power grid have also been arrested over the past month.

According to the World Bank, almost 30 per cent of the electricity that entered the grid in 2013 in Albania was stolen. Coupled with technical losses from the grid, the thefts have put OShEE under great strain and brought it close to bankruptcy.

Balkan Insight, 17.12.2014