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Albpetrol: Fillojne negociatat zyrtare me kinezet, reagon Taci!

Ministri i Ekonomisë Edmond Haxhinasto tha dje per TOP Channel se me vendim të Këshillit të Ministrave, grupi negociator ka nisur procesin e vlerësimit të ofertës së dytë. Kjo ofertë është 297 milionë euro, gati tre herë më pak se oferta e parë dhe është dhënë nga kompania kineze ‘Win Business Energy’.
“Keshilli i Ministrave ka marrë vendimin, në bazë të rekomandimit nga grupi negociator, që e ka quajtur ofertën e parë të pavlefshme. Ky vendim ka autorizuar grupin negociator të vazhdoje me vlerësimin e ofertave të tjera, sic e parashikon ligji”, tha Haxhinasto.

Sipas Reuters, biznesmeni Rezart Taçi tha se grupi ishte habitur nga vendimi për shkak se ata po punonin për të finalizuar marrëveshjen. Theksohet se një vendim i tillë nuk gjendet në faqet në internet të qeverisë, ku publikohen zakonisht njoftime të tilla. kishte kerkuar qe dy muaj perpara fillimin e negociatave me kinezet, duke qene se ishin tejkaluar te gjithe afatet e marreveshjes me Vetro Energy., 09.02.2013

Albania calls off Vetro offer for Albpetrol oil firm
Albania has invalidated the winning 850 million euro ($1.1 billion) bid by Vetro Energy to buy its Albpetrol oil company after the Albanian-U.S. firm failed to come up with an initial payment, the energy minister said.
Minister Edmond Haxhinasto said on national television on Friday that the government had decided to “consider the first offer invalid” after Vetro failed to pay 170 million euros, equal to 20 percent of its bid.
Vetro had asked for a postponement but still failed to pay by a second deadline on Dec. 3.
The agreed price, equal to about 10 percent of Albania’s gross domestic product, would have been a windfall that the Balkan state could have used to help reduce its budget deficit and public debt.
“This (government’s) decision has authorized the group of negotiators to continue evaluating the other offers,” Haxhinasto, who serves also as deputy prime minister, told Top Channel.
Chinese consortium Win Business, with an offer of 298 million euros, was next in line to talk to Albanian negotiators, followed by Bankers Petroleum of Canada, which offered 106 million euros.
The government has offered to sell all of Albpetrol’s above-ground assets, the right to explore and exploit oil and gas for 25 years and licences to build a refinery and transport and distribute gas.
A source close to Vetro’s majority shareholder, Albanian oil businessman Rezart Taci, said the group was “surprised by the decision because we were working to finalise the deal”.
The decision could not found on the government’s website, where such decisions are normally published.
The government cancelled the deal after waiting on Vetro for two months and as it starts to prepare for parliamentary elections on June 23.

Reuters, 08.02.2013